provides 2 years' right of complaint pursuant to the Purchasing Act, extensive fabrication and material defects found in the normal use of the product. The warranty does not cover errors, damage or wear, directly or indirectly caused by improper operation, poor maintenance, violence or unauthorized intervention. Complaints about defects that should be detected by the usual inspection of the product must be notified to within a reasonable period of time. The item can subsequently be returned for repair, replacement or after any possible credit. In case of complaints, will return return costs to a reasonable extent.
Complaints and goods tournament
In case of errors, missing or missing deliveries, please contact:
Postboks 207
8700 Horsens
Or the clock can be sent together with a guarantee certificate to Urmager Halse, Søndergade 33, 8700 Horsens with a description of the error.
The goods tournament is sent to, Postboks 207, 8700 Horsens - note that we do not receive packages sent per. COD. Return can also be made by refusing receipt or by personal delivery. It is not a requirement, but the expedition is promoted if adequate information follows the package - such as copy of order confirmation, registration number and account number for bank account for which reimbursement may take place, copy of prior correspondence, etc.
In the case of agreed decors, returned goods or prepaid goods that are canceled prior to shipment, there must be a full or partial refund of the purchase price. Refund usually takes place by bank transfer, and MyWatch therefore needs information about registration number and account number. This information is not sensitive and may be disclosed by email or other traditional form of correspondence.